January Growing Tips
What's going on in January?
January is the start of a new year, and with it, a whole load of resolutions! So try and get into an excellent routine to set those good intentions for the rest of the year. And we don’t just mean going to the gym on the odd day!
It’s time to get prepped for the busy year ahead of growing to give yourself the greatest chance of success.
The January weather
Whilst it’s not a particularly wet month, January can be very cold, so ground frosts are common. When the ground isn’t frozen, you can definitely grab the spade and start working the soil.
We do see a lot of very strong winds in January as well, which can play havoc with trying to keep a garden tidy.
Keep an eye on the weather forecasts and take steps to protect any vulnerable plants from any snow, heavy frost or wind.
Main things to accomplish
Get any equipment and tools cleaned and ready to use, and repair anything that’s broken. Start to plan out what fruit and vegetables you want to grow for the year ahead, and then order those seeds.
If you haven’t already decided on your growing space, now’s a great time to do it. Work out if you want to create any beds in the garden and start saving up the organic material for them.
Digging Deeper into jobs for this month
- Clean existing pots and seed trays
- Check what tools you own!
- Order any missing items
- Plan what food you wish to grow
- Order your Seeds
- Dig beds as soon as the weather allows
Sowing & Planting
Cabbages, Cauliflower, Spring Onions, Chilli Seeds
Broad Beans (in a cold frame)
- Winter Prune any fruit trees
- Clear winter-sprouting weeds
- Get rid of rotten fruit in storage
- Force Rhubarb
- Harvest any Sprouts, Leeks & Parsnips
- Make Immune-boosting Soup using veg stored in your freezer
- Roast Parsnips
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Inspiration for things to do this month
Build a Compost Heap
Turn kitchen and garden waste into free soil with this simple compost heap build!